All measurements systems are subjected to deviation of the precision over time. To ensure your measurements reliability, you need to calibrate your measurement systems, controllers, sensors, PIND… All environmental testing standards are mentioning the calibration necessity. Your Quality Management System has to fix the periodicity for these verifications. The most common periodicity for calibrations is 12 months.
Each office completely supports its customers and offers a calibration service for the Spectral Dynamics controllers. This service is performed by our technicians on-site and at our offices in France, Germany and UK.
If you want a DAkkS certificate (or equivalent), our German office offers a calibration service according ISO 17025 for Lynx, Puma and Jaguar controllers.

Our PIND Europe service center is located in France at our office in Voiron (near Grenoble). This service is proposed for all PIND systems from the PIND model 4501 to the PIND Felix.
A PIND calibration consists of:
- Inspection of the PIND mains components: controller, shaker and sensors
- Checking the system operation including the vibration & shock levels and the acoustic detection
- Calibration of
- the acoustic detection sensor
- the accelerometer from the sensor
- the acoustic transducer from STU
- signal generator STU box
- the PIND controller with adjustment of the offsets and values to get the right acoustic detection, vibration and shock levels
- the scope used to visualize the particles noise
- Checking the system operation
- Writing the report, sticker and storage of all the measurements
A service of accelerometers calibration is available in France. Our main test bench is composed with a dedicated TIRA shaker TV51140C and a Spectral Dynamics controller Lynx, which allows to certify a precision in our measurement. With this system the transverse solicitation is very low and we can reach high frequencies. Our standard accelerometer calibration is from 5Hz to 5kHz with IEPE or charge sensors. On demand and depending your accelerometer type, we can achieve frequency range starting from 1Hz or even lower and reach up to 10kHz.
Each sensor will be returned with a complete certificate and a calibration sticker.